How to Understand Accreditation and Choose the Right School
When researching a college or university, the programs offered, tuition costs, and flexibility of learning environments all probably top your list of factors to consider. Accreditation may be something you have not given as much thought, but here’s why you should: Understanding accreditation and the various types that exist can help you choose the right school for your educational and career goals.
What is Accreditation?
Accreditation is a checks and balances system that confirms a school’s academic programs and faculty meet the requirements of the accrediting body and that the school is operating in a fair, ethical, and responsible manner in accordance with its established mission and vision. The accreditation process is conducted by (volunteer) peer faculty and administrators from institutions within the accrediting body’s geographical region.
Accreditation demonstrates a school’s commitment to ethical operation and continuous improvement to provide the most valuable educational experience possible for its students. Institutional and specialized program accreditation are not the same, and colleges and universities should have both.
How Is Walsh Accredited?
Walsh is accredited as an institution by the Higher Learning Commission (HLC). Individual degree programs are accredited by the Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs (ACBSP).
Why Is Walsh Accredited by the ACBSP?
Walsh has ACBSP accreditation because it reflects the kind of educational experience we provide our students. This type of accreditation focuses on the quality of instruction and practical learning outcomes that give students the professional skills employers are looking for both now and in the future. Our degree programs integrate academic theory and practical application to prepare graduates for successful careers.
What is remarkable is that Walsh offers students the best of both worlds. In addition to being working professionals who bring their real-world experience into the classroom, many Walsh faculty actively participate in research, provide scholarly contributions to their area of expertise, and publish nationally-recognized bodies of work.
Which Business School Accreditation is Right for Me?
Understanding the difference between accreditations will help you decide which business school is right for you. If your goal is an academic degree based on research and theory, an AACSB-accredited program may be the best fit for you, particularly if you intend to pursue a career in academia.
If your goal is an academically rigorous program that also provides the practical skills you need to be successful in your business or technology career, an ACBSP-accredited program, like those offered by Walsh, is the right choice for you.
Walsh offers undergraduate and graduate degrees in business and technology. Flexible attendance options include 100% online, in person, in a remote synchronous mode, or a combination. Dynamic connected classrooms let faculty, on-ground, and remote students interact seamlessly in real time.