The History of Online Degree Programs

The History of Online Degree Programs Innovation in Education Society has a long and complex relationship with innovation. On one hand, we reward novel ideas and forward thinking. But for every groundbreaking approach and new discovery we embrace, there are at least as many we resist or outright dismiss. History is littered with examples of brilliant…

Walsh Bachelor’s Program Receives Top 5 Ranking in U.S.

Walsh’s Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) in Management was ranked No. 5 in the United States on the list of the Best Online Bachelor’s Degree Programs in Business Administration, an annual publication by Online Schools Report. Walsh’s Master of Business Administration (MBA) also ranked at No. 6 on the Best Online Master’s in Business Administration list and…

Coming Full Circle

An alumni couple gives back to Walsh in the form of a symbolic sculpture By Sarah Gudenau Students who enter the Walsh campus are greeted by a work of art that has been years in the making. “ZERO,” a 5-foot wide and nearly 10-foot tall steel sculpture, is a gift from alumni Kathy Kosmatka (BAC ’77) and Gregory…