Walsh Graduate Degree Programs

Walsh College Graduate Degree Programs To advance in your career, you need more than theory — you need an education that works in the real world. With a graduate degree from Walsh College you’ll get practical skills and proven wisdom that will put you at the front of your field and keep you there for…

Walsh Online

Walsh Online Since 1998 Walsh was an early adopter of online education, offering our first virtual course in 1998. Unlike many schools, Walsh was prepared and continued to provide the highest quality instruction despite the pandemic. And, once again, Walsh is leading the way with the introduction of connected classrooms in the fall of 2021. That means…

Detroit Promise

Detroit Promise Students are eligible to maximize credits at a community college and transfer them to a bachelor’s degree at Walsh. Detroit Promise students are eligible for a full paid tuition scholarship to complete a Walsh bachelor’s degree. Walsh Bachelor’s Degree Programs Bachelor of Accountancy Bachelor of Business Administration with majors in: Finance, General Business, Human Resource Management, Management,…

High School Opportunities

UNDERGRADUATE DEGREES GRADUATE DEGREES EVENTS APPLY FOR ADMISSION High School Opportunities Preparing you for success is at the core of a Walsh education. It’s where academic excellence, career building and a 96.7% employment rate come together to move your future forward. Whether you prefer a small classroom environment or an online learning experience – or…